
Afterlife Heals Grief

Finding comfort in the Afterlife serves more than one divine purpose

Here are 7 Reasons you should explore the Afterlife

7 Reasons You Should Explore the Afterlife

1. Afterlife contact affirms that your loved one is okay

2. Affirms that your loved one still exists

3. You know that you are not alone

4. You know your loved one didn't leave you

5. You discover that you can stay connected

6. It eases fear of your death

7. Restores your faith

7 Reasons You Should Explore the Afterlife

I have lost loved ones too, and I know how painful it is to go through.  This is why I decided to develop my natural gift for mediumship, and why I have spent over 30 years helping others do the same.

You don't have to become a medium to reconnect with your loved ones in the afterlife (but some of you may want to).

The most painful part of losing a loved one is the severing of connection that we once had. Oftentimes, it feels as if a part of us dies when we lose someone close to us. We may not know how to continue living, and feel stuck in one of the earlier stages of grief (anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). I found that when I introduce grieving individuals to the afterlife, they re-establish their connection that felt severed, they begin to feel hopeful, and gain the ability to move forward with renewed purpose in life. This is why I call the afterlife the 6th and final stage of grief.

There are many ways to experience the afterlife; from signs and symbols, dream visits, apparitions, phantom smells, and many more.

When you experience an afterlife visit, you know it is real because you feel it in your heart. There is no one that can tell you it wasn't real (although they sometimes try). Every experience with the afterlife is unique and specific to the individual who receives it. Sometimes afterlife visits occur spontaneously and other times it is invited through pure intention.

When an afterlife visit occurs, it serves 7 divine purposes. The first things you realize, is that your loved one is okay, that they still exist, and they have not really left you. Knowing this allows your heart to begin healing. The fundamental question on everyone's mind is if their loved one is okay, and this assures you that they are. Even though you still miss your loved one, knowing they still exist helps ease the pain of separation.

Grief is often a lonely time filled with isolation and countless hours of solitude. This time is necessary to your healing process but it doesn't have to last forever. Once you realize that your loved one is still with you, it will be easier to reengage in life again. Your loved one really does stay with you and continue watching over you after they pass. This is not just hopeful thinking. For decades, I have collected scientific proof of the afterlife and shared it with audiences worldwide. I find that those who are open to it, experience their own afterlife visits and the countless benefits that it provides.

When you know you are still connected with your loved one in the afterlife, it eases your fear of death. Most people live their entire lifetime trying to avoid death and their own mortality. The afterlife teaches you that you will still exist and that your entire life was not inconsequential. Although the span of a lifetime can seem fleeting, the truth is that we continue to exist after we leave our physical body. Our spirit remains in tact and we continue to live long after we die.

For most people, their connection to the afterlife restores their faith in a higher purpose and divine life plan. It doesn't matter what religion you follow, or if you are atheist. Once you experience the afterlife, you begin to awaken to a unique version of spirituality that fits best for you. Scientifically speaking, we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms.

Your loved one on the other side desires to connect with you as much as you desire to connect with them. You can learn techniques to help you connect with your loved one in the afterlife. As you explore your own connection to the afterlife, be prepared to expand your consciousness in ways that you may not have imagined before now. You may find that you are able to embrace life and living it more fully, as an expression of your unique spirituality and a deepening of your self awareness.

Grief is a natural emotion that accompanies significant loss. The amount of time you spend grieving is entirely up to you. There is no right or wrong way to process grief. Take your time...feel your emotions...and be okay with the upset to normal life for a while. Eventually, you will return to some routines and you will move forward from your loss with a deeper connection to who you have become because of your loss.

If you have been suffering through loss, take my FREE Grief Assessment to find out how it is affecting you and how you can heal.

If you feel you would benefit from a deeper spiritual connection, check out my #1 Spiritual Grief Healing Program.

If you like this information, make sure to visit my youtube channel for more information about afterlife visits, after death communication, and other spiritual topics.

Written by Diana Palm

If you would like to see more books by Diana Palm, click here

Find out what happens spiritually when your loved ones near death and move into the afterlife. Learn how to communicate with them and understand the timing of their death.

Yes, you can develop your spiritual sight and SEE spirits with your eyes (even if you are not a medium!) Follow the easy steps within this book.

Diana Palm

When you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you enter a sacred time of transition, where your intuitive awareness is heightened. During this sacred time, you learn how to tune in with the subtleties of the spirit world, so that you know you are still connected to your loved one who passed. Your Afterlife Journal will help you do this.

Diana Palm

Diana Palm is a world renowned authority on Death & The Afterlife. Through a powerful combination of her spiritual healing and mediumship abilities, she helps restore the love vibration within her clients, and activates their hearts for new experiences in love. Diana is a multi-published author (Llewellyn), spiritual leader, and an internationally recognized medium with over 30 years of experience. She has dedicated her life to helping people heal from grief and loss and understand their divine purpose now, and in the afterlife. Her warm wisdom will inspire you to embrace self love through the Let Go & Level Up journey of healing. Make sure to visit Diana's YouTube channel for guidance on healing and spirituality.

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